D & W Group - Brant

Phone(s): 519-449-2500 
1324 Colborne St. West
Brantford Ontario
N3R 0B8
Listing image

Price Contact for price Sale Type New
Year 2016 Quantity N/A
Manufacturer ami Model RAKE
Vin N/A Color Black
Date Received N/A Odometer 0 miles
Comments The AMI Root Rake is a powerful tool that clears away unwanted roots, limbs and brush while leaving behind valuable soil. Operators are now able to clear away scrub more efficiently by reducing the amount of soil collected along with the brush. This allows for lower dumping and transportation costs and keeps the soil where it is needed. Built with AR400 steel tines, the AMI Root Rake is a solid tool that is ready to sweep its way through the toughest debris with minimal wear.

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